On October 19, JXVTCcarried out an significant online meeting with Italian institute of Art &Design IUAD (Accademia della Moda).

Mrs.FANG Yiqun(Vice Dean of International Education Department) represented JXVTCto briefly introduce the current status, history and achievement of college.Mrs. LUO Xiaoju(Vice Dean of Fashion & Art Department) explained thedevelopment history of Fashion & Art Department, talent foresting and itsmajors.
Mrs.Auricchio Giuseppina (Rector of IUAD) gave an introduction about Institute andadvantages of the majors and related courses of eventual cooperation.
Afterthe bilateral presentation, JXVTC retrospected the in-operationcooperatively-run program and illustrated the demands regarding the comingSino-Italian Educational Cooperation.
Mrs.GimmelliStefania (Director of International relationship of IUAD) put up forward thesuggestions based on the previous experience in International cooperation.
Bothsides discussed about cooperation types not only aiming on cooperatively-runprogram but also other kinds of possible cooperation mode benefiting studentsand teachers. In such a friendly atmosphere, the representatives exchanged theopinions and looked forward the further contact in order to enhance the mutualunderstanding.
This online meeting undoubtfully sets the sail of JXVTC’s new journey inInternationalization by responding the call of “Belt and Road” initiative, thecollege will keep cooperating actively with qualified internationaluniversities and organizations to reinforce the running ability and globalreputation.