On May 25th , JXVTC and IUAD(Accademia della Moda) carried out online Signing Ceremony of MOU (Memorandumof Understanding). This event witnessed the fruit of JXVTC’s internationalizationprogress under the following of “Belt and Road” initiative. School leaders,teachers from Fashion Design Department and International CooperationDepartment of both sides attended this ceremony.
Mr. Fang Junliang, the Secretary of theParty committee of JXVTC gave the official speech and highly commented: Thecooperation and exchange with IUAD has considerable immediatesignificance and profound historical meaning to JXVTC’s development.As both sides have obtained experience in talent cultivation and good socialawareness over 50 years, this cooperation will make a great contribution to theindustrial upgrade and academic exchange in China and Italy. Moreover, it willaccelerate the development of both sides in a sustainable and healthy way.
Mr. Michele Lettieri, the President ofIUAD announced the speech with jubilation: China and Italy are great countrieswith splendid culture and long history, the traditional quintessence willfacilitate the bilateral cooperation under the basis of mutual profit andreciprocal understanding. Two schools can benefit from the MOU and establish aclose collaboration in student’s exchange, academic research, Jointly runprogramme, etc. Under the cooperative framework, we will jointly cultivate thefashion talents with international vision and promote the people-to-peopleexchanges between China and Italy.

Follow up with this meaningful event,two schools will organize a joint Fashion Show of Graduates in Fashion Design Majorat the end of May. Meanwhile, the preparation of Jointly run programme is inprocess and the application will be submitted in September. Undoubtedly, theSino-Italy cooperation is regarded as a dynamic motor to boost the developmentof JXVTC in the 14th Five Year Plan period.