On August 25th, JXVTCcarried out a joint Online Cultural Exchange Event with QRC (Queenstown ReserveCollege, New Zealand). School leaders, teachers and students from both sidesattended.
In the opening speech, Mr. FANGJunliang, the Secretary of Party Committee of JXVTC quoted: Since the signingof the MOU, the two sides have maintained close communication based on theprinciple of equality and mutual benefit, jointly promoted the application of NZQAapproval and other preparations for future student recruitment. This is themilestone mark for the deepening of bilateral cooperation as well as a vividexample of mutual learning in culture. It made a big difference in cultivationof polyvalent talent in hospitality and tourism industry with global vision.
Mr. Charlie Philips, the Principal ofQRC mentioned: I have been to China many times. I have always been impressedwith the high levels of hospitality and rich culture and history. We arethrilled to be entering into this partnership and exposing opportunities forstudents to experience the rich cultural experiences on offer. It is hoped thatafter pandemic, the cooperation between two colleges can be enhanced viastudent exchange, teachers’ training and jointly-run program.
During the event, the students from QRCshowed the Western Catering Culture and Coffee Making, while the students fromJXVTC demonstrated the Chinese Dinning Etiquette and Woodblock Printing. Theattendees had not only witnessed the charm of Chinese traditional culture, butalso admired the allure of Western dinning culture.

The students were very excited andamused. They have expressed their comment on this event.
“I am honored to be able to demonstratethe skills of Chinese catering culture at this event, and I am also happy tolearn the western etiquette culture from QRC. During this event, I found thatno matter in China or in Western, the professional in hospitality industry allhave a pursuit of the ultimate technical requirements and sense of service ,which is also the craftsman spirit we are proud of. ”A student from JXVTC said.
“So excited to participate in thisevent. The Woodblock printing and Chinese dinning etiquette are so interestingand impressive. This is quite a good opportunity to exchange with our Chinesefriends. I wish to visit China after pandemic to well experience the trueChinese culture.” A student from QRC added.
According to the feedback from bothsides, this event was unquestionably a great success. Thanks to the moderntechnology, JXVTC and QRC could overcome the inconvenience due to the pandemicand keep communicating for strengthen partnership. In the coming stage, two collegeswill continue the collaboration in the implementation of jointly-run program,which is the most significant work in bilateral cooperation.